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From Surviving to Thriving

Each year at the Ta Ta Trot Ounce of Prevention recognizes a Marshall County Resident whose life has been affected by breast cancer, naming them the Ounce of Prevention TaTa Queen.


Previous honorees include:

  • 2009 - Nancy Jaynes Memorial Fund

  • 2010 - Mrs. Patti Bates

  • 2011 - Mrs. Billie Kimble

  • 2012 - Ms. Donnabell Newberg & daughters Joan Hunt, Janet & Judy Newberg

  • 2013 - Mrs. Charlotte Stone

  • 2014 - Chris McCan

Breast Cancer Success Stories

Charlotte Stone

My journey with cancer began when I was diagnosed on June 18,2011. At first when told that I indeed had breast cancer it was a little bit of a shock but I had a peace that I can’t explain. Within 3 days of the diagnosis I saw the oncologist and was then referred to a surgeon. I was then scheduled for a lumpectomy. On July 5th the cancer was removed. I then had follow-up appointments and everything was scheduled, treatments and such. It seemed like each time I saw one of the Drs. I was given just a little more information about what was to take place. I’m really glad for that because everything at once would have been to much to process and handle. I had a friend who had gone through the same diagnosis and treatment so she was a real help to me and a real encouragement. I had my faith and I knew God had a plan for my life and it was such a comfort to know that he was in control.


One of my main worries was my youngest son was to be married August 5th in Minnesota and I was afraid treatments would interfere and I didn’t want to do that. Once again the Lord worked that out they wanted me to heal from surgery before doing chemo. We had the wedding came home met with the Drs. and scheduled my first chemo on Aug.18. I had 6 rounds of chemo, each one 3 weeks apart. I was also given a drug Herceptin, which was for my type of cancer. That was to be given each week for 52 weeks. I soon had a pattern chemo on Thursday and then Saturday and Sunday were my days to sleep all the time. I’m thankful to God that I didn’t get sick, just tired.


My daughters and daughter-in-laws took me to my treatments and helped every now and then with meals and snacks. My friends ( a certain group of ladies) always seemed to know when I would feel well and take me to lunch. There was always a little gift to lift my spirits. These ladies were part my support and encouragers. I made it through my chemo and then 32 radiation treatments. I finished my Herceptin in October of 2012. We all celebrated the end of my treatments. I am now cancer free for 2 yrs. I feel my journey was a time to grow closer to my Lord and see how it affected those around me. It was a time where friends encouraged me and supported and cheered me on. It was a time where my family was there and helped and encouraged in any way they could. It was a season that changed me as a person and those around me. I’m thankful for that journey. I know there are those that aren’t as blessed as I was and my heart aches for them. I sat there week after week with some who lost the battle but were such an encouragement to those around them. What gets you through your Lord and Savior , family, friends and the will to live.

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